Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Entry Sign update


The rebuild of the wall should start soon as we have received the insurance money and picked a contractor.

The entry signs where vandalized about a week ago. The west side sign was broken, but is can be glued. The east sign was ripped completely off and thrown behind the wall. The lights where torn out and strewn down the road. Garrett (our insurance man and home owner) will see if our HOA insurance policy will cover the costs to repair. Note: If anyone knows a good handyman, we really need one for issues like this.

Carl Lund (VP) has received a few quotes and hopefully we will select one and get started right away. The old brick will be used as much as possible to match existing color as new brick of same color is not available.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

HOA Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
from HOA Meeting Date: Wednesday 01/16/08

Introductions and welcomes where made as the meeting kicked off at 6:40pm. Conducting the meeting was our vice president Carl Lund. Our president has moved away. Also present was our treasurer Clair Troftgruben, and secretary Robb Kelly.
In attendance were owners from lots:
4, 6, 8, 14, 19, 21, 28, 29, 33, 34, 39, 40, 43, 45, 47, 51, and 55 (17 total).
Proxies where received from owners of lots: 2, 6, 25, 30, 31, 48 (6 total, 23 overall).

First item was a review of the budget by Clair: We have $6508.54 in the bank (as of 12/28/2007). The only change in the past few years has been in the landscaping. It has gone up from $300 to $375. We talked about a few of the other line items in the budget (water and electric are the next biggest expenses). Clair mentioned he could have details at the next meeting. Dues to remain at $125/yr
Delinquent Accounts (as of the meeting) where listed as:
Behind 1 yr – Lot # 7, 18, 25, 30, 46
2 yr – Lot # 5, 16
3 yr – Lot # 12, 49
4 yr – Lot # 15, 41, 52
5 yr – Lot # 10, 13
7 yr – Lot # 11
12 yr – Lot # 22 (since paid)
There was a question as to whether delinquent accounts are allowed to vote. Also what notice is required before filing a lien and how we can file a lien without hiring a lawyer or incurring any costs.

A Motion was made for the HOA to file a lien against any member who is 5 years or more behind on their HOA dues. It was noted that the bylaws only allow 45 days for delinquency. Motion was voted on and passed.

Entry Damage and Repair Plans - Person and auto that did the damage was located. The Insurance Company was contacted and responded favorably to their client doing damage. Clair has been coordinating the estimates and will submit them to the insurance company. Bids so far are $6,860...$9,082 and $3,107...(disparity is in new, used or original brick) Pumbing and electrical have been checked and seem ok. Discussion: It was decided that Clair would send the estimates to the insurance co If it would not cover everything then to see about the 2nd auto that might be involved to pick up balance. Problem..(no one knows who the 2nd auto belongs too or what it looks like so that may not be an option). If all the damage is not paid for then it was suggested that we may be able to look at our own policy. The Insurance Agent: Garrett Schwartz said he would look into the coverage for this possible alternative. This is to be coordinated with effort made by Clair.

Roofing, Covenants & Bylaws – possible change to bylaws to allow other material aside from Cedar Shake. Some examples of ‘pumkin tooth’ shingles (these are the 3 layer thick asphalt shingles that look similar to shake) were provided. These have been installed on lot # 45. Owners discussed how this was allowed to happen and the consequences of doing something against covenants - the owner could be forced to remove the unallowable material. The owner received a verbal go ahead from a member on the architectural committee, but this committee doesn’t have the authority to make the decision on roofing material, the covenants dictate this. It was voiced that if the covenants weren’t changed to allow new architectural grade materials like ‘pumkin tooth’ asphalt shingles (composites) that people would forgo getting new roofs or would select low grade asphalt materials and that either choice would lower the value of our homes.

A motion was made to formulate a vote on changing the covenants to include this type of roofing. It nearly unanimously voted yes, we should pursue changing the covenants and/or by-laws.
A roofing committee was established to work on the issue of how to update the covenants to include new ‘architectural grade’ roofing materials. There was a concern that the language needed to exclude materials used in lower quality houses yet include those used higher end homes like ours. Other HOA covenants that allow these products will be reviewed to develop proposed language for our covenants. It was unclear as to what is required to change the covenants; some thought it was a unanimous vote by all home owners.

The Architectural Committee was updated to include Scott Swett, a new resident. The committee includes Ann Paustian, Stan Gillman, and Scott Sweet. Note: The Design review committee guidelines and the Request for Design Review will be made available on our blog located at Also the covenants and by-laws will be scanned.

Entrance Repair update was given by Carl. He explained the 3 bids provided him. One will be chosen by the board and work will start after the insurance company settles.
There was some discussion about several car break-ins and vandalism that has occurred and suggestions about what could be done.

Election of Officers –
Secretary 1yr remains of the 2 year office.....Robb Kelly
Treasurer 1yr remains of the 2 year office....Clair Troftgruben
Gale Reed President elect for a 2year period
Carl Lund Vice President elect for a 2year period